Wednesday, 3 August 2011


Since my post in June, I apologise for not writing my blog till now. However, I have steadily worked on what I call original novel God of the Cocoa. But it has strayed!!

Really what has happened is odd. I planned it out ... a new story. I plotted it out on A3 sketch paper. Then I decided to change my style a little after reading two novels which were similar in many ways. But I really loved them. They both used small detail to draw in the reader, and I became hooked into their world...both times.

Those two novels are:

Jamaica Inn, by Daphne du Maurier
Before the Earthquake, by Maria Ellen (a debut author)

I started my own writing, and the characters took over AGAIN. So I lost my plan!!

New things have happened. I have introduced some new characters. I have written 21,000 words of that novel, and apart from some of the familiar names, the story has changed. It could still work, but not really as God of the Cocoa. That is another story. This new story is another part of the same series of Cocoa novels. Starting earlier in the life of Latchmin, my Main Character.

I am thinking that I should change the title to Granville Girl. What do you think?

I'm not sure yet, but this new title seems to be taking root in my head.

Well, the characters have beaten me again.
I still can't plot and stick to it!
But, I've got quarter of the novel done in in 6 weeks, after being stuck for weeks. And that is with some pretty slow writing. I rarely get 1,000 words a day done, because I am editing hard in order to put it up on Authonomy as I go along.

That's it! I will continue, because I have a different deadline to meet by the last week in August.

Bye for now.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Marilyn x